Protect the Innocent - An interview with Dr Palevsky

2 years ago

Dr Lawrence Palevsky is a New York State licenced paediatrician who has been practising medicine now for 35 years. He worked in paediatrics in the hospital system for 9 years and ran a paediatric intensive care unit. Then in the year 2000 he began working in private practise doing holistic integrative paediatric and adolescent medicine, which he has done now for 22 years. He is a past president of the American Holistic Medical Association.

In this episode we discuss the following:

- Are the COVID-19 gene therapy vaccines safe or effective for children of any age.

- Dr Palevsky explains how this is not a vaccine.

- How all childhood vaccines have never been studied for safety.

- The alarming increase in autism rates in children that has occurred in the last 40 years, and the current very high rates of neuro developmental disability, and high rates of seizures in children under 5.

- Do vaccine ingredients enter the brains of our children?

- The 2021 study done by Dr Paul Thomas and Dr James Lyons-Weiler that showed that unvaccinated children were healthier then vaccinated children.

- The suspension of Dr Paul Thomas.

- The lack of pharmacokinetics studies on childhood vaccines and the COVID-19 vaccines.

- Do children get sick or die from COVID-19, and what MIS-C (multi system inflammatory syndrome) is.

- The reason Pfizer and Moderna are attempting to have their COVID-19 vaccines approved for children under 5 years of age.

- Are there financial incentives in the USA for GPs and pediatricans to give vaccines to children.

- Informed consent and how a physician should practise with their patients - tell them what to do or teach them what to do.

- How the US FDA has approved Remdesivir (COVID-19 anti viral medication) for children.

- The lawsuit against the District of Columbia from ICAN, striking down the bill that allowed 11 year olds to approve their own vaccination without parental consent or knowledge.

Websites and papers referenced in the interview:

- Lyons-Weiler, J and Thomas P. Relative Incidence of Office Visits and Cumulative Rates of Billed Diagnoses Along the Axis of Vaccination

- Dr Palevsky's website.

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