Healing Foods - Sarica Cernohous & Ashley James - #119

2 years ago

Today's episode tackles about how to cook healing foods the easy and fun way. http://learntruehealth.com/healing-foods/

Our expert guest, Sarica Cernohous, is a pre-digestion specialist. She is a nationally-certified practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Chinese Herbal Medicine, practicing Japanese-style acupuncture.

She also practices Japanese-style acupuncture and a coach for Metabolic Balance of Germany. In addition to that, she serves on the Board of Directors for the National Association of Nutrition Professionals.

How important food is in our body? If there's a medicine that we have been using for over thousands and thousands of years, that is FOOD. Food if prepared in a manner that extracts its maximum nutrition, can provide complete nourishment and healing to the body.

Fermentation, for one, is very beneficial to our health. Fermented foods undergo Lactofermentation. In this process, a lactic acid is created when a natural bacteria feed on the sugar and starch in our food. This process preserves the food and creates healthy probiotics like enzymes, b-vitamins, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Sarica also shares her 6-week course that educates how to maintain weight by repopulating the gut. She also introduces another healthy way to lose weight thru the LAPIS method . This program, on the other hand, focuses on the relation between weight loss and food.
In her webinar, some points of the training include:

1. Why the usual approaches to weight loss have been such failures
2. Why modern approaches to weight loss make it nearly impossible
to keep the weight off for the long haul
3. How to balance metabolism in 8 steps

I believe weight loss should be a by-product of the healthiest living possible. Cernohous agrees, “And that is why I don’t call it weight loss. I call it weight optimization. I’m not here to make everybody skinny. I just want you to be the best version of you.”
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Thank you!
Ashley James
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