Patriot Underground Episode 219

2 years ago

Juan O Savin Intel Analysis
Is Elon Musk Really A White Hat?
$44 Billion Price Tag Significance
Corporate Cabal Cutouts
Dragon Meets ISIS; Symbology Behind SpaceX
Horace: Sun God; Jesus Christ: Son of God (Inversion)
Rising Like The Phoenix To Avoid Detection (every 500 years)
Soros: MI6 Cutout For Financial Consolidation
Clintons = Rockefellers
Big Tech Overlords Being Used By The Alliance
Prime Directive: Humanity Must Build Our Star Trek Future
Prime Numbers; God's Building Blocks
Gematria: Divine Symmetry
Dark Magic: Hijacking The Numbers (17)
What Is The Statue Of Liberty Really?
17 x 3 = (Area) 51
Celebrating Occult Rituals Unwittingly
St. Patrick Is The Green Man
Obelisk Is The Cross For Satanists
Washington Monument (111+555= 666 ft.)
Georgia GS To UN = 666 Miles
9/11 Ritual Breakdown
Parthenon Symbols On Wall Street
Ushering In The Anti-Christ
Bush Jr. & My Pet Goat
Juan Referencing The Tunnels (Elite Fallout Plan)
Trauma Based Predictive Programming = Shaping Public Consciousness
Numeric Patterns Between Public Tragedies
JFK Jr. On JFK, Jr.?
Mar-a-Lago AF1 Model = Jr.'s Cessna Color Scheme
Returning The Diamonds To Jr.
Who Invited Trump To Run?
4th Psyop Group: Ghosts In The Machine
Q Is A Team Augmented By AI (ALICE)
Q Didn't Disappear: McAfee Is The Phoenix of The Q Project
Public Narrative For Plausible Deniability (NSA/Space Force Evidence Disclosure)
Whakd Crypto Trolling The Enemy
400k Coins Is The Trigger = New Foundation
The Truth Beneath The Surface

Disclaimer: This podcast is for entertainment purposes only; Do your own research

Patriot Switch is a grassroots movement that’s helping families switch their shopping to American Made. Join over 2 million shoppers that have made the switch. By switching we are taking market share away from the Big Conglomerates that are trying to control where we shop and what we spend our hard- earned money on. These Big Corporations don’t have our same values and many of the products they manufacturer have toxins and harsh chemicals that cause us harm and are not safe for our environment.

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