Unity & Emuna Class - The Game Plan! Week 2 - Shovavim - Part 1! By Eli Goldsmith!

3 years ago

Sign up now for United Souls Inspired a new 6 part course with PulveREDU - United Souls for a Divisive Generation! Every other Tuesday at 8:30 AM (Eastern)
6 classes - take one or more! https://www.eventbrite.com/e/pulveredu2023-united-souls-for-a-divisive-generation-tickets-135695301299
- #unitybookings - UnityInspiresProjects@Gmail.com!

A Special one time Wednesday Emuna Class 2 pm by Eli Goldsmith - Emuna is our Future with the Game Plan! Part 2 - https://youtu.be/GM958JcW2g8 😉 😌 😍 Back to our Weekly Monday 2:45pm slot in the new week B"H!

#Shovavim is an acronym of 6 weeks connected to the Torah readings of Shemos, Vayera, Bo, Beshalach, Yisro, Mishpatim! Week 2 Part 2 - #TheGamePlan - Our next step is to build our mission statement! To know our goals with the end in mind and the values of heart in terms of what to do with our life mission! Preparing ourselves for a true future where we live up to our goals and values! These are all rooted in the soul level! To know the truth of a person is to understand their value system and ability to impact each other during daily life! Our main goal is simply Emuna & True #UnitedSouls!

Asaf Goren - Soulful Dance & Flow - Emuna Class Q/A by Rav Shalom Arush # 24 - feat. special guest! Click, Join & Share on - https://youtu.be/otXa60P41pU Thank you for joining again our special series of #EmunaClass Q/A Weekly Sunday at 8:30 pm

Listen to our Emuna Podcast - https://anchor.fm/eligoldsmith/episodes/Unity-and-Emuna-Class-with-the-Game-Plan--Shovavim---Week-2-Part-2-eous2t share on...
Q/A direct to Eli.Goldsmith@Breslev.co.il!

😍 WATCH LIVE ON IGTV @Breslev_English

#IGlive #FBlive #YouTubelive #Emunalive #SpecialSpeaker #RavDayanElgrod #ShlomoKatz #YosefDaniel #MordechaibenAvraham #ShloimeZionce #EliezerKosoy #ElnatanMalul #MenachemHerman #AssafHarush #RabYonatanGaled #NissimBlack #BenBlackwell #LironMazor #YoniGabali #DovidlWeinberg #MendyWeinreb #RavDonielKatz , #MeirKay, #RabbiSimonJacobson, #AsafGoren is up next :)

For booking Unity Projects and Nissim Black please email - Unityinspiresprojects@gmail.com to bring more unity to our lives!

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