Treadmill Desk - Rob Jacobs & Ashley James - #116

2 years ago

Today's episode tackles about the Unsit Treadmill Desk and the benefits of walking.

Our guest for today is a fitness expert and the inventor of the revolutionary Treadmill Desk, Rob Jacobs.

The purpose of creating the machine is to prevent the ill health effects and common office lifestyle of prolonged sitting down. He believes that thru the Unsit Treadmill Desk, he can motivate people to move while working and help break the unhealthy habits of sitting too much. But, if one can not get a treadmill desk, then “set the alarm to get up and move every 20 minutes,” says Rob.

“Sitting around on the job is something that’s gonna go away for a variety of reasons, health reasons, fitness reasons, productivity reasons and creativity reasons. I find it more creative and I come up with ideas more when I wind up and walking around.” – Rob Jacobs

Rob believes that our body is designed to move around. If the body is constantly at rest and do not move may lead to these physiological risks:
1. Bottom of the feet – Serves as a “switch”. When we stand up it sends a signal to the brain that there’s a threat or there are opportunities. If we turned that switch “off” by sitting down too much, it sends a lot of functions in the brain that are meant for solving problems, to rest, or asleep. Calories burned start to drop lower to 1 calorie a minute because our body is at rest.
2. Lower limbs – When we are stuck in one right angle contraption, it puts pressure on the big muscles in the body impeding blood circulation in the lower limbs leading to all tingling pain.
3. Spine– We’re supposed to have a nice “S” form on our backs. But when we sit our spine is curving in a wrong direction. It is curved the other way squishing our discs backwards putting pressure on the nerves that later on leads to sciatic nerve pain.
4. Shoulder and Neck: Too much sitting causes neck infringements and discomfort
5. Blood Sugar – When our calories burned drop down to zero, we start to feel sleepy and loses energy. Normally, people grab caffeine and sugar to stay awake instead of walking and moving. In years of doing this, could lead to inflammation of pancreas or diabetes.

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Ashley James
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