Explorer Maria Meets Korea & Comedian Eric Danger Powers on The Arty 84 Show – 2020-12-23 – EP 162

4 years ago

Show Recap: Arty and Adam with Eric Danger Powers and explorer Maria in Korea. The show is being broadcast live from Margarita's in Revere, MA. Its the day before Christmas Eve so the group talks about the year and their up coming holiday plans. Maria who is from Boston is in South Korea for a year teaching kids to speak English and explore the far East. Eric Danger Powers pops in for some comic relief. WWW.WhereInTheWorldIsMaria.com

This show is brought to you by The Pack [dot] Com http://www.ThePackie.com for all your sports, entertainment and drinking needs, 84 Entertainment - www.84entertainmentgroup.com and Whirl Wind Reports, AKA the poor mans Packie, whirlwindreports.com

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