How to Get Out of a Codependent Marriage without Getting a Divorce

2 years ago

Have you ever thought that if you give enough to the other person, they'll love you back? That if you're nice enough, friendly enough, helpful enough - they'll want to spend time with you and compliment you?

But life doesn't work that way, and neither do people. We can't push a button and the behavior we want will come out of the other person. Unfortunately though, most of us have been taught that's what love is.

The more I did the right thing and my husband didn't respond the way I wanted him to, the harder I worked at doing the right thing. The more I showed him I loved him, and the more I expected him to love me back.

After a while, I'd just blow up, we'd have an argument, we'd both get hurt, apologize, and start the process all over again. Until we ended up on the brink of divorce.

That's when I turned to Jesus and found out love is pretty much the opposite of what I'd been taught!

✅ When Someone Doesn't Like You, Do This! :

✅ How to Stop People Pleasing:

✅ What is the Root of People Pleasing? :

✅ What Is Codependency / People-Pleasing / Fear of Man? :

✅ What's the Difference between Love and People Pleasing? :

✅ What the Prodigal Son Teaches Us about Emotions:

✅ Step 9 and 10 in Processing Our Emotions: How to Tell Someone They've Done Something Wrong:

✅ Step 8 in Processing Our Emotions: How To Decide When To Break Up or Continue A Relationship:

✅ Step 7 in Processing our Emotions: What about Payback? :

✅ Step 6 in Processing Our Emotions: How to Change (Repent):

✅ Step 5 in Processing our Emotions: How to Really Forgive:

✅ Forgiveness is the Basis of Our Relationship with God: The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant:

✅ Why Our Forgiving Others Is Important to God: Forgiving Others:

✅ Step 1 to 4 in Processing Our Emotions: How God Forgives Us – Our Part:

✅ Processing Our Emotions – The Basics: How God Forgives Us – Jesus’s Part:

✅ Processing our Emotions – the Basics: How God Forgives Us:

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