God Gives Most Abundantly At Peak Of Fatigue – Seeing The Future Using Bible History (08 of 26)

4 years ago

Series 211 - Looking Ahead After Looking Behind

About this video:
I've heard many Christians say the command to let the land rest every seventh year is for agricultural purposes. God knows that in order for the land to be productive, you need to give it a year of rest. I'd like to suggest that idea is completely false. Guess what happens during the sixth year when the land has been tilled and worked for six long years... what does it do? In its greatest state of fatigue it produces twice as much! This is not an agricultural issue at all; it has nothing to do with agriculture except that God is dealing with an agriculturally dependent nation.

What God is trying to do is he's trying to test the faith of his people; he wants people to understand that they have what they have because he gives it to them, not because they earned it. One of the toughest lessons on earth to learn is: What you have comes to you as a gift from God. By demanding every seven years that no agriculture activities are allowed — none — God is trying to get the children of Israel to understand that the productivity of the land is based on his blessing, not their toil. I hate to report to you that Israel did not keep the sabbatical year. The temptation was just too great. They refused.

What a deal the Lord was making! Why would an intelligent person refuse what the Lord offered? Why would a rebellious person refuse this!? The only reason is greed. I will send you such a blessing in the sixth year that the land will yield enough for three years. Look, Jesus says, “while you plant during the 8th year — the 8th year is the same as the 1st year because you start a new cycle after the 7th — you will eat from the old crop, and will continue to eat from it until the harvest of the 9th year comes in!

Wake-up America Seminars is a non-profit / non-prophet organization. We are dedicated solely to proclaiming the imminent return of Jesus Christ. We are not affiliated, endorsed, nor sponsored by any religious organization; we, quite frankly, haven't found one that would have us. This is not a clandestine method of getting you to join a church because Wake-up America seminars is not a church — we have no prisoners (members). We are an organization that is dedicated to education. Our mission is to inspire and encourage people into the Word of God, and what church may mean to you or what church may be to you is something between you and your Lord. Finally, the basis for the views presented in this seminar is limited to the Bible; the only authority that I except for matters in doctrine and spiritual guidance come from the Bible.

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