Lucifer Will Appear Impersonating A Glorious God – Seeing The Future Using Bible History (26 of 26)

4 years ago

Series 211 - Looking Ahead After Looking Behind

About this video:
Remember, this is Lucifer we're talking about. Enshrouded in glory and followed by a billion angels who attend him; everybody on earth will be amazed! They’ve never seen anything like this before. Put this in perspective: before Jesus comes, the man of sin will be revealed. He’s called a man because he will take on the appearance of the glorious God in man’s form. He will appear as you would expect God would in our form; but it's actually Lucifer, the wolf, in sheep's clothing, pretending to be God, masquerading as God.

And why does God allow the devil to do this and empower him to do this? What does the Bible say? In 2nd Thessalonians it says, “They refused to love the truth and for this reason God sends them a strong delusion”. I would say, this qualifies as a strong delusion. And to prove that he is God, he will call fire down out of heaven. Poof! There goes a town near you. He goes over to Moscow with all of his angels, and all of his angels land around the city. Someone yells out “We don't believe in God”. Poof! Half of Moscow goes up in a cloud of vapor. “We believe!”

I could spend an entire week on this subject to show you how magnificent and how important and how powerful this display is going to be. And the people of Earth will be no match. In fact, after his angels kill one-third of mankind, you get the picture that he's going to take dominion of this earth quickly. Let me explain....

Wake-up America Seminars is a non-profit / non-prophet organization. We are dedicated solely to proclaiming the imminent return of Jesus Christ. We are not affiliated, endorsed, nor sponsored by any religious organization; we, quite frankly, haven't found one that would have us. This is not a clandestine method of getting you to join a church because Wake-up America seminars is not a church — we have no prisoners (members). We are an organization that is dedicated to education. Our mission is to inspire and encourage people into the Word of God, and what church may mean to you or what church may be to you is something between you and your Lord. Finally, the basis for the views presented in this seminar is limited to the Bible; the only authority that I except for matters in doctrine and spiritual guidance come from the Bible.

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