Atheism Is The First And Oldest Religious System – Seeing The Future Using Bible History (14 of 26)

4 years ago

Series 211 - Looking Ahead After Looking Behind

About this video:
The Bible says all seven heads have blasphemous names on them. And the seven religious systems of the world happen to be: 1) Atheism. Atheism is a religious system that denies the existence of God. It has a paradigm all about God not being there. To talk to an atheist is to have a religious discussion. If you've ever done it, you know what I'm talking about. 2) Heathenism. Heathenism is where man invents God, makes him out to be whatever he wants him to be. A lot of Christians are actually heathen. Greek mythology is all about making up Gods.

3) The third oldest religion of the world is Judaism. Judaism says that salvation comes through obedience. If that had been the case, there would have been no need for Jesus. 4) The next oldest religion of the world is the Islamic faith. Ishmael, who's actually older than Jacob, is the founder of the Islamic faith. And Mohammad, when he came in the sixth century AD, simply consolidated many of the Islamic faith tenants, put it all together and produced the Quran.

5) The fifth oldest religious system in the world is the Eastern mysticism — Buddhism, Zen, Eastern mystics, Hinduism etc. — which teach that man can become God. 6) The sixth religious system in the world is Catholicism. It started in the days of Christ. And 7) the youngest religious system in the world is Protestantism.

These are the seven religious systems of the world. Can you think of anybody on earth we've left out? Now each of these systems has variants within them, but in general terms, the seven religious systems of the world are these seven. Let me explain....

Wake-up America Seminars is a non-profit / non-prophet organization. We are dedicated solely to proclaiming the imminent return of Jesus Christ. We are not affiliated, endorsed, nor sponsored by any religious organization; we, quite frankly, haven't found one that would have us. This is not a clandestine method of getting you to join a church because Wake-up America seminars is not a church — we have no prisoners (members). We are an organization that is dedicated to education. Our mission is to inspire and encourage people into the Word of God, and what church may mean to you or what church may be to you is something between you and your Lord. Finally, the basis for the views presented in this seminar is limited to the Bible; the only authority that I except for matters in doctrine and spiritual guidance come from the Bible.

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