5 Important Cocktail Tips Every Bartender Should Know! (Our 2020 In Review) | Master Your Glass

4 years ago

On this episode of MYG I do a fun recap of all the guests that have come on the show and I cover the 5 most important topics that they talk about to make better drinks.

@00:00 Intro
@00:44 “Ice comments” from Tony Abou-Ganim, Livio Lauro, Michael Prdydzial, David Nepove, and Armando Rosario
@01:45 Recap of my thoughts on the “ice comments”
@04:20 “Making changes to classic cocktails” – comments from Joy Figueroa, and Armando Rosario, Bobby G. Gleason
@05:44 Recap of my thoughts on “Making changes to classic cocktails”
@07:05 “In which order do you add your ingredients?” comments from Giuseppe Gonzalez, Tony Abou-Ganim, Paul Nolan, Francesco, Lafranconi, Diego Loret De Mola, Michael Przydzial, Julio Bermejo, Natalie Bovis, Joy Figueroa, Jose Ancona, Livio Lauro, Marco Dionysos, and Jacques Bezuidenhout.
@09:35 Recap of my thoughts on “Ingredients Order”
@10:36 Shaking with a Smile – Is that a thing? Bobby G Gleason, Michael Przydzial, Jose Ancona, Joy Figueroa, Diego Loret De Mola, Tony Abou Ganim, Julio Bermejo, Livio Lauro.
@12:20 Recap of my thoughts on “Shaking with Smile” comments
@12:55 Is a garnish important?
@13:30 Comments with Jose Ancona, Julio Bermejo, Giuseppe Gonzalez, H Ehrmann, Natalie Bovis, Marco Dionysos, Bobby G Gleason, Livio Lauro, Tony Abou-Ganim.
@10:03 Recap of my Garnish thoughts
@17:00 Key learnings
@18:22 Conclusions and Outro


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Theme Music “La Tarantella” by @Charles Berthoud:

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