HORROR! Clinton Advisor Linked to Epstein Found Hanged in Tree With Shotgun Blast Through His Chest!

2 years ago

#ClintonBodyCount #clintoncrime
Yet another soul appears to be added to the long list of Clinton crony suicides. Originally, the cause of death of Clinton advisor Mark Middleton, 59 years old, who was a tie between Clinton and dead pervert Jeffrey Epstein, was undisclosed. Apparently, he was found dead, hanging from a tree with an electrical cord around his neck and a shotgun blast thru his chest, an obvious suicide. More on that in a bit.

How does the Clinton Body Count remain a matter of conspiracy theory in so many minds? How would even the most deluded democrat not wake up at this point?

This latest inconvenient death got me thinking about the “Clinton Body Count.”, which is considered a wacko conspiracy theory by the main stream media and other liars and morons.

This so-called conspiracy is a list of about 50–60 associates of Bill and Hillary Clinton who died "under mysterious circumstances." That is, none died of old age, and most died violently or by suicide.

Perhaps the most familiar name on the list is Vince Foster...a Man Who Knew Too Much

Vince Foster was the Clintons' personal lawyer and the Deputy White House Council.

Foster's roots with the Clintons stretched all the way back to Hope, Arkansas, where he partnered with Hillary at the Rose Law firm during Bill's time as governor.

Foster was a close friend of the Clintons. Some have even suggested he and Hillary had an affair, but that is speculative since she is so gross.

At any rate, Foster was responsible for shielding the First Family, and keeping all their skeletons safely in the closet.

This was a problematic, since the Clintons had a lot of skeletons.

At the time, the biggest was the Whitewater scandal.

Way back in the 70s Bill and Hillary, abusing Bill’s position in the government formed the Whitewater Development Corp. with James and Susan McDougal.

Soon, the McDougals were convicted of participating in a $3 million conspiracy to defraud two federally backed financial institutions. I’ll spare you the gory details, but Whitewater was a monster scandal involving the Clinton’s.

Whitewater wasn't the only case keeping Foster busy, either.

Madison Guaranty, a bank owned by McDougal was another problem. Evidently, Funds from the bank had been illegally diverted to Bill Clinton's campaign for governor in the mid-Eighties - and Bill and Hillary had intervened with state regulators to help keep the bank solvent.

Things got even worse once the Clintons were entrenched the White House.

More controversy arose when Hillary Clinton demanded Foster fire seven employees from the travel office that served the White House press corps. Travelgate involved the Clintons bringing their entire crime team from Arkansas to help make Washinton corrupt again.

Foster, who sadly had a conscience was racked with guilt and shame over the entire situation. Apparently, the lies took such a heavy toll that he decided to resign. This would prove to be a fatal mistake

Foster was last seen on July 19 at the White House.

The next night he was found dead of an apparent gunshot wound in Fort Macy Park. The death was officially ruled a suicide, and Starr's investigation backed that conclusion.

However, certain details didn't quite add up. For instance, the gun Foster supposedly used to kill himself was reported to be still in his hand, but the person who first found the body said that there was no gun at all. His pager's memory had been erased, as well. Evidence suggests his body had been moved entirely after his death.

This is just the tip of the iceberg of the vast right-wing conspiracy.

It was soon discovered that key papers thought to be in Foster's possession had gone missing. The records were not retrieved for more than two years, when a few finally showed up in the private quarters of the White house, with Hillary Clinton's fingerprints on them.

In addition to Foster, other Clinton associates met untimely ends, as well.

Here's a short list of other suspsicious deaths:

James McDougal: This key witness in the Whitewater scandal had a heart attack

Shortly after Vince Foster's death. Jerry Parks said, "Bill Clinton is cleaning house." Parks had compiled a dossier of Clinton misdeeds which was stolen from his home in a robbery. A week later, he was shot seven times while driving in his car. His murder was never solved.

Stanley Huggins was a Partner at a Memphis law firm Investigating Madison Guaranty. Officially, he succumbed to viral pneumonia, despite having no signs of ill health. His wife has tried to get the hospital records, but they were sealed by Janet Reno under presidential orders from Clinton. During the weekend of his death Huggins's Memphis office was broken into and his files stolen. His 300-page report was never released.

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