2 Key Reasons for Iron Deficiency

2 years ago

2 main reasons for iron deficiency - and the natural treatment. Quite a few people are affected by an iron deficiency. Especially (young) women can sing a song about it, because due to the monthly blood loss, the risk of a deficiency is significantly higher for them, but also vegetarians and vegans can be affected. During pregnancy, the need for iron is higher, as well as in adolescents and athletes.

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⭐️Iron and iron deficiency:

Iron deficiency may be manifested by the following symptoms:

Chronic fatigue
Decline in performance
Impaired concentration
Sleep disturbances
Muscle tension in the neck
Depressive moods
Hair loss
Brittle nails
Restless Legs Syndrome
Susceptibility to infections

Causes of iron deficiency?
As already mentioned, menstruation, especially if it is very heavy, can lead to a deficiency. But also unnoticed blood loss, e.g. in the gastrointestinal tract or very frequent blood donations can be a cause.
Often, however, a deficiency can also be found in a problematic diet. However, not only an unsuitable diet but also the intestinal situation can be responsible for this deficiency. If the intestinal flora is disturbed and the intestinal mucosa is inflamed, iron (and also other vital substances) cannot be absorbed optimally. In this case, the intestine would first have to be put in order with an intestinal reorganization.
A lack of gastric acid can also lead to a lack of vital substances and iron, because only with sufficient gastric acid can the food be properly broken down and the vitamins and minerals later absorbed in the intestine.
Finally, it should also be noted that quite a few drugs are real iron robbers. The iron inhibitors among the medications include, for example, acetylsalicylic acid (e.g. aspirin), stomach acid blockers and cholesterol-lowering drugs.

More information on vital substance medicine at:
⭐️ https://integrative-medicine.info

#irondeficiency #DrHeinzLuescher #fatigue #exhaustion

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