How to dance on a crowded dance floor

3 years ago

How to dance on a crowded dance floor

From a Leader - His follower sometimes gets bumped or elbowed.

1. dancing is like driving: if you crash it doesn't matter whose fault it is, so dance defensively in tight environments. that said, yes--it's mostly the leads fault.
2. Dance on the edges of the dance floor. Fewer chances for people to run into you.
3. Generally, try to dance small, overextending on open breaks and the like is something I'd really not recommend unless you pretty much have the dance floor for yourself.
4. Always make sure there is a lane open for the follower before committing to a move that gets them to change positions. For example, as you open up for a cross body lead check to see if there is space for the follow to walk through, if there isn't don't commit to the cross-body lead and simply send her back.
5. Try to always pay attention to your peripherals.
6. Sometimes it is also a good idea to spot the dance floor to get a good idea for which leads or follows dance big and sloppy. Avoid dancing next to them.
7. If you are forced to dance in the middle of a crowded dance floor:
8. always keep your head on a swivel. once you are comfortable leading your moves, you shouldn't need to look at your partners feet or hands, so look at your surroundings and use it to process what other people are doing and where they are going to be
9. closed position can give you more control over novice dancers
10. keep your move set to "tight" moves that don't require you to leave the slot very much
11. Most of this is advice that will help dancing with beginning and intermediate dancers. As you and your follow become more advanced, you tend to learn how to defend yourselves a bit more naturally.

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