What makes for a good Dance Instructor ?

3 years ago

What makes for a good Dance Instructor ?

1. Teaching Methods – Has a class structure that builds upon one another, has adequate balance between learning new stuff, practice and repetition.
- They also Use specific methods to improve learning success (e.g. useful exercises, auxiliary materials, splitting combos into individual parts that can be combined again

2. Knowledge - knows how the dance works in detail, what is important, knowledge of the music.
- Background knowledge about dance (history, artists, culture) - Knowledge of the scene and conventions
- A good teacher is able to teach people how to feel the music. Not hear/follow/execute BUT Feel.

3. Dancing skills - Is a role model (elegant movements, musicality, perfect technique) from which the students can learn by watching and feel inspired.

4. Communication / Presentation -
- speak clearly and understandably
- be entertaining, motivating and fun.
- confident demeanor

5. Customer Care and awareness
- respond to the students and be helpful and friendly - recognize needs and respond to them
- offer help and service. They organize their own parties or help to find some.

6. Organization
- Organizing everything around the course smooth and efficiently
- being reliable, being on time
- good Handling of technical equipment

7. Ego
- Encourage people to go out and dance. This includes other venues then the ones you host yourself.
- Don't be afraid to refer people to other sources (other teachers, dance styles) when you've notice you've bumped unto your own limitations and you can't improve your students.

Finally Understand that not every teacher is going to be compatible with every student, nor is every student compatible with every teacher.

Different people look for very different things. And sometimes they are not compatible.
. Some people look for crowded classes. The more people, the more akin to a party. More people to know. But other people search for technicality and fundamental focused classes.
It is difficult to have a structured syllabus if your students come and go on and off. Some teachers just explain the basics all the time and people like that.

Others will progress with structure knowledge and a strict curriculum.

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Background Music Provided by Barradeen


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