How Capitalism Did NOT Ruin Our Education: Sheep in the Box Refuted Part 2

4 years ago

In this second part on how capitalism did not ruin our education I address @Sheep In The Box erroneous argument on Churchill with his baseless claims as well as upon individualism and collectivism relative to his argument of the British Empire. Sheep in the Box wants you to believe that somehow individualism is responsible for the imperialism and colonialism of the British Empire (or at least that's what I perceive of his message) and somehow the state education system is painting some capitalist narrative.

As I have addressed on how capitalism did not ruin our education, capitalism is an individualist system, he concedes to this at the start of his video. You can find a full piece on Churchill here that refutes his erroneous claim about Churchill, bearing in mind, he wasn't perfect, but if he's going to make such an erroneous claim, he has to be able to provide such information. Remember, attacking a source isn't an argument, the information of the source is what matters.

*Did Churchill Cause the Bengal Famine:*

Another point I address in response to Sheep in the Box is on nationalism, for whatever reason being he seems to think that just because nationalists in Britain oppose the Marxists that this somehow makes them anti-socialist. As mentioned, it's no different to fascist regimes fighting against communism throughout history. I must note, however, not all nationalists are strongly collectivist, many do respect to a varying extent some level of individual liberty, but what you most commonly find, most support and enable big government.

It is no wonder capitalism gets the blame and why so many young folk come out of these colleges and universities thinking capitalism is the problem today because they aren't properly taught about free-market economics, at least not that I am aware of. This helps explain why most economists today are Keynesian influenced.

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