Granite Island Adventure

4 years ago

#hiking #mentalhealth #australia

Join Nathan as he wanders around Granite Island, Victor Harbour and chats briefly about the idea of "information diet" and "social media feedback-loops".

• Just over 1 hours drive south of Adelaide CBD.
• Trail Head is found at the start of the causeway.
• The track can start here or you can use the horse-drawn tram to get across the causeway.
• The island is a penguin habitat so be careful if you explore the rocks at the edge of the water on the northern side of the island.

3.37km (round trip)
Elevation: 2m - 27m
Incline: MAX: 19.6% AVG: 4.7%
Victor Harbour, South Australia.
Map Link:

"routine, done for long enough and done sincerely enough, becomes more than routine. it becomes ritual—it becomes sanctified and holy."
-Ryan Holiday, Stillness is the Key.

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