Ep. 5432 – Nasser Arrabyee on Yemen’s Desperate Humanitarian Crisis – 12/18/2020

4 years ago

Nasser Arrabyee is back with an update on the ongoing war in Yemen. Joe Biden, he says, has said some promising things about ending U.S. support for the Suadi war there, but both Arrabyee and Scott are skeptical that he will follow through at all. Supporters of the war, including Mohammed bin Salman in Saudi Arabia and Mike Pompeo in the U.S., are pushing for the international community to officially designate the Houthis as a terrorist group, which Arrabyee says would only make it even more difficult to get humanitarian aid to the Yemeni people. Yemen has now been identified as the world’s worst humanitarian crisis for the third year running, and yet the mainstream media devotes almost no coverage to the situation. Change, says Arrabyee, must begin with widespread awareness.

Check out the interview page here: https://libertarianinstitute.org/scotthortonshow/12-18-20-nasser-arrabyee-on-yemens-desperate-humanitarian-crisis/

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