TimeLapse: Painting Cherry's Quinessential Glare

2 years ago

Meet Cherry, my eldest son's cat. She's quite a character!.
Painting in watercolor paint on Arches Rough 140 lb paper done in studio for a birthday surprise to him.
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Colors used:
Quinocradone Gold, Naples Yellow, Burnt Sienne, Burnt Umber,
Ardoise Grey, Cobalt and Indanthrene Blues, Amazonite Genuine,
Rose Madder, Paynes Grey, and a bit of white gouche.
Initially, some of the whiskers and highlighted fur were kept white with masking fluid.
Brushes used:
Hwahong Rounds #2, #4, #8, and a simple inexpensive flat brush.

Music credits:
Lionheart, by The Purest of White
Awaken, by Ethan Rank
Make it Happen, by Anything You Want

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