Round Table | Dave Ramsey Says Infinite Banking is a Scam Part 2

4 years ago

What does Dave Ramsey think about IBC? And why does it matter? Information dramatically influences one’s choices. If you’re looking for ways to create financial freedom and learn more about the Infinite Banking Concept (IBC), you’re in for a fiery episode. In Dave Ramsey’s 9-minute video Why Infinite Banking is a SCAM!, he calls the IBC a Ponzi scheme and “whole life done horribly.” This is Part 2, where the IBC coaches break down Dave’s video contents and debunk the misrepresentations and half-truths in it. Russ and Joey will also go over Dave’s 7 Baby Steps and discuss how it may or may not be the right way to go.

As you’re trying to learn about the Infinite Banking Concept (IBC) to determine right versus wrong, get answers to your questions from the people who have been practicing IBC for many years. You need objective truth, and that’s what you will get from this episode. Stay tuned and learn the proper path to take control of your finances to create your desired future.

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