I went outside and took my quad. It's a start...

4 years ago

Pardon Snowden and Assange

There were no Alphabet Agencies waiting for me, so there's that. On a positive note, there's no reason for them to keep this coof going - probably did more damage to myself with the gym closed for 10 months and the isolation than catching this dam thing. The deep state is not your friend. The two party system is not your friend. I don't recognize this land any more.

I remember having a rabid radical boss who would "correct" our speech. If we said "girls", she would glare at us and say," It's Young Ladies". If we would mention hunting, she would tell us we were evil bambi-killers as she went to Whole Foods and bought grass-fed organic beef - dude, what do you think venison is? Grass-fed, organic meat that is no longer going to jump out in front of a family on the highway and cause an accident. If we mentioned "Christmas", well, that didn't end well.

I was exposed to what is coming early on, it is not going to be good. Believe the science they say. Don't wear a mask, wear a mask, put a bandana on that hasn't been tested by NIOSH or the FDA, that will save you. Then cram it in your pocket, spread the germs around, take it back out and put it on your face. You are safe at Walmart or Home Depot, but the local restaurant or mom and pop hardware store will get you sent to the hospital. Lock down the Northeast until their candidate gets in, and now everything is re-opening somehow. I'm DONE. Rand Paul was a better ambassador for anti-establishment than, well, you know, but the people spoke. Tulsi and Bernie were way more popular than Hillary and Joe, but they wouldn't play deep-state ball. There are 100's of thousands of doses of antibody treatment at hospitals but they don't want to give them out to sick people unless they are a VIP. You must take the m R NA shot, that is the holy grail, but a fat ex-governor from NJ with asthma came out fine with the antibody treatment. As an engineer, I'm watching politicians wipe their @sses with the scientific method and keep us in the dark and feed us lies. Wake up people. But hey, the foul-mouthed offensive orange man is gone so it was all worth it as we stand in the unemployment line and beg for stimulus checks. Let the reset begin and watch the 1% pull away from the proletariat.

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