Lady Tyr@nt. Unlawful Orders. I Don't Answer Questions. Collier County Jail. Naples. Florida.

4 years ago

This was my trip to the collar county jail in Naples Florida, On Monday January 18th 2021, At approximately 15:18. I want to the top floor of the parking raj to get a better view of the surrounding area and landscape. Come to find note this is supposedly a Collier County Sheriff's Parking Garage and secured area. I walked through the garage for over 20 minutes with no interaction.

As soon as I leave the garage and start dowm the sidewalk I was approached by the lady Tyrant Sergeant Horowitz. Don't let the nice woman act fool you, she was very condescending and you can tell she has an ego/ gets a hard on when she puts the badge on.

Let me know what you this of the interaction down in the comment section below!!! I am hopefully going to another city next week for a couple days. I was hoping to get some more interactions out here but they haven't been too truggered. I appreciate all the comments and support!!! Donations are humbly accepted!!! Much Love, Respect And Appreciation!!!

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