Satanic Media

2 years ago

We are at War. A spiritual War.
I hope you are on the side of Good.

This video just shows the dark satanic messages and
spellcraft of our media. Our mm media are ALL part of
the Agenda and if you aren't part of it, you are censored,
deleted, shadowbanned.

Ask yourself WHY are they showing us this?
"His Satanic Majesty"?
One anagram for "His Satanic Majesty" is:
"A China Majesty Sits" (remember:
China and Chain are anagrams)
and looking at this
photo- Tobias Forge does wear a Chinese looking garb.
WHY is this on the front of the Los Angeles Times

WHY are all the other stories also feeding into the narrative of
the satanic NWO agenda?? (Hollywood/ LGBTQ/ Disney/ "Deep Water (Deep State-etc. ) WHY are any of us purchasing these papers?

I love into the anagrams and numerology (gematria) of other possible
meanings of what it is they so desperately need to show us.

WHAT message do they want us to SEE?
It shouldn't take too much to simply see the dark that the
media is spewing.

I also show the TOXIC agenda of our government.
Toxins like cobra venom which has been okay to use as
long as it's under the name of "Research".

Talk about RATS (STAR), something that is mentioned
in this bands 2018 song. WE ARE THE RATS.
The Lab Rats that the big Pharmas are genociding
all in the name of Research to satisfy their curiosities
and dark side.

Just in this article alone- the words:
Ghost, mask, corps, bat, demonic, pope, war, plague, doom prophet, fantasy, contagious, spreading disease, Rats, Empire, brutal, invasion, circularity, destructive, catastrophically, pandemics, flus, dictators, circles, pyro, eruptions, threatening, Gothic, explosive, Stockholm,
(those were just the first page/first article).
There are other predictive programming phrases and wordsmithing going on throughout the entire Calendar.
unsubscribe from the Los Angeles Times.

If a person is so naive to NOT see this is a type of spell casting, immediately, they won't know to defend themselves against this, sending low vibrations as the reader absorbs these words, this is their intention. This is not entertainment, it's spell casting and demonic.

Just be aware of the evil around in order to be able to counter it with higher vibrations and positive thoughts.

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