Downtown Tour of The Dalles, Oregon (1A Audit) - Free Good/Bad press for businesses! part 2

3 years ago

Here we will be walking around Downtown The Dalles(again), checking out the businesses and seeing if anyone wants free publicity, by way of this video and my audience. If they don't want it then they will get it anyway but in a bad light because of their own behavior.

I do hold ALL comments for review. Eventually (if it becomes overwhelming) I'll reduce that to just potentially inappropriate comments and then to none (that might be a while :P ) If you are a dissenter (that is opposed to my video content), you're welcome to comment and I will post it. So long as you're not trying to push porn or any other such inappropriate content, you're welcome to comment.

For the quikflip hoodie we discussed (if we did) check here:

We're using the streaming services of if you would like to use their services this link will give you a $10 credit to use it:

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