Really Portland?!! Reaction to someone's #Shorts

2 years ago

Is it supposed to #shorts or #Shorts or #short ?
This is a reaction #short video to the following original:

I first used OBS to record the playing of the video.

Then I edited it in Openshot Video Editor to add my "titles," that is text on the video, and cut out extra content. As well as "transform" the video so we're vertical. Next time I'll set the canvas to vertical and position the two video's better OBS (it'd be much easier, me thinks).

Finally after getting to 1 minute and 2 seconds I researched how to change the speed of the video and found the following to be the easiest option.

I ran this command after finding the ffmpeg.exe file location ... Downloading it and installing it would have been another option:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\[path to]\ffmpeg.exe" -i "C:\Users\[path to]\[video].mp4" -vf "setpts=(PTS-STARTPTS)/1.1" -crf 18 -af atempo=1.1 "C:\Users\[path to]\[video]-faster.mp4"

Note the 1.1 entries in that command = 10% faster (10% shorter) video (no chipmunk sounding voice :O)

Lemme know if you'd like some training on this :) I'm good at doing it ... That is the geek stuff, not sure about the training :/ lemme know.

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