HOW TO OPEN A JACKFRUIT (One Of The Best Tasting Fruits in The World imo)

4 years ago

This video shows you how to open up a jackfruit, and what to expect. Jackfruits taste like juicy fruit bubble gum when ripen. They also use jackfruit to make a plant based or vegan shredded pork when un-ripe due to the texture. When un-ripe they are not as sweet. You can usually find a jackfruit in the latin grocery stores. I found this one in La Bonita's grocery store.
The Benefits of jackfruit are:
1. Strengthen immune system
2. Protects against cancer
3. Aids in healthy digestion
4. Maintains healthy eyes and skin.
5. Boosts energy
6. Lower high blood pressure
7. Controls Asthama
8. Strenghthens the bones
9. Prevents Anemia
10. Maintains a Healthy Thyroid

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