POISONED SKY June 5, 2022

2 years ago

I am going to start keeping track and documenting and sharing
what I am seeing in our skies- over my head- in San Diego, Ca.

This spraying that occurred today, June 5, 2022 is relatively small
compared to many other trails I've seen, but if this plane makes
2-3 flights a day, for 5-6 days a week- hundreds of miles at a time, and add this to all the other
airlines who are also participating in this great poisoning this is a huge
toxic dump on us and our planet.

This great poisoning has to stop and we need to stop ignoring
the perpetrators of this evil deed.

It's been proven that these Stratispheric Aerosol Injections (SAIs)
do contain Aluminum Oxide, Barrium and other toxic metals
none of which are helping our planet or our health.

It's time to call out, by name those who are systematically poisoning us.

It's time for all of us who are able to stand up and be brave
otherwise, we are living proof that they have overdo$ed us and dummied us down
and made all of us apathetic beings.

These are the flight trackers i used.
Perhaps you will be interested in what's going on over
your head as well.



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