Why You Should Explore Small Batch Mead, Wine and Cider Making - Miyagi Mornings Epi-39

4 years ago

If you like this video and this type of thing you will love my podcast at http://tspc.co today's podcast will be Episode 2809, today’s show will be a topic round table with a ton of variety. The episode should be live today by about 3PM CST.

Today I discuss a skill I have been teaching for a very long time, making meads, ciders and wines and specifically by the small batch method. There is so much win in this. Tax reduction, social capital building, saving money, requires very little time and more. I also provide a list of resources that teach you all my tricks in doing it with almost no effort.

My Meads of the Week Playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpHUZsnFSzdLVxEIyh6Un6VgHW2EyMnpT

Episode-1684- Making Dead Simple Ciders, Meads and “Fruit Wines” http://www.thesurvivalpodcast.com/dead-simple-ciders-meads-wines

Episode-1694- Small Batch Mead, Cider and Fruit Wine Q&A http://www.thesurvivalpodcast.com/mead-cider-qa

Episode-2191- Another Look at Small Batch Mead http://www.thesurvivalpodcast.com/small-batch-mead-18

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