2011 Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Super Sport

4 years ago

NOTE: As of 3/25/2022, SpeedZarServices has been given to B01 G3n1us, The only reason why this is being put into the description on these videos is just to keep you informed just incase there is changes which there wont be any changes, because if it isn't broken, don't fix it, and besides I always wanted to do car videos and now I have that opportunity! Hope you enjoy future content! SpeedZar Services Presents;
2011 Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Super Sport (Stradman Edition)
Perhaps the greatest supercar ever, the Veyron 16.4 was for those with all the money in the world and a desire to go blisteringly fast; we say "was," because the Veyron is no longer sold and its replacement, the Chiron, is not yet available. With an 8.0-liter turbo-quad W-16 engine and all-wheel drive; the Veyron makes 1001 hp and has a 200-mph-plus top speed. For topless fun, see the Grand Sport with its targa top.

Starting At $1,914,000
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