WATCH: Clark County TODAY LIVE • Thursday, January 21, 2021

3 years ago

WATCH: Clark County adds 101 COVID cases, one death as hospitalizations recede ; Hundreds of small businesses urge legislature to allow them to reopen ; House democrats put forward $26 billion transportation package ; Home builders worry new building codes will drive home prices higher at a bad time. Find links to these stories here:

#ClarkCountyToday #ClarkCountyTodayLive #LocalNews #ClarkCountyWa #LiveBroadcast #COVID19 #Coronavirus #COVID19Update #Hospitalizations #SmallBusiness #Reopening #Transportation #HouseDemocrats #TransportationPackage #HomeBuilders #HomeConstruction #RealEstate #BuildingCodes #HomePrices #KazoodlesToys #ToyStore #Business #VancouverWa #CoronavirusPandemic #Children #Learning #Toys #Books #Games

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