The Spacing - TINO (Thrawn in Name Only) Rumor, EU Revival Quandary, RIP Mira Furlan, Avery Brooks

4 years ago

Join me and guests for thoughtful and open conversation. Is the rumor that Disney Lucasfilm will "adapt" Heir to the Empire as a major crossover event true? We will discuss how it is impossible to adapt the book trilogy. Why an EU revival could be the worst thing for EU fans. Mira Furlan has passed away. We will discuss her amazing contributions. Cirroc Lofton said Avery Brooks is not getting acting work due to racism...?

#heirtotheempire #thrawn #mirafurlan #averybrooks #racism #ds9 #deepspacenine #expandeduniverse #EU #starwarsEU #babylon5 #lost #stigkenobi #OGStarWars #MsMartinMuses #SciFi4Me

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