Firewire Twice Baked Surfboard Twice Reviewed

4 years ago

2nd post of the Twice Baked by Firewire Surfboards.

Twice Baked like its predecessors, the Sweet Potato and the Baked Potato, is in the class of "Super" Grovelers. Boards like the Glazer, Seaside, and many other hybrids are already considered grovelers.

The best way to look at a Twice Baked is this. This is the board you want to take out when you don't want to take out a longboard or Wavestorm. The Seaside and other hybrids are boards you want to take out when you don't want to take out a super groveler or performance board.

After surfing this, I think I will always have 2 boards in my car, the Seaside and the Twice Baked.

Super Grovelers from other shapers if I were to compare 5'3" only. Under 30L I would consider a groveler not a super groveler.

Firewire - Twice Baked - 5'3 21 1/4" 2 3/8" 31.6L

CI - average joe - 5’3 20 7/8" 2 3/8" 29.6L The biscuit would have more volume but not sure they make it anymore.
Lost - Bean Bag - 5'2 20 1/2" 2 7/16" 28.75L They don't have a 5'3 in stock dims
JS - Flying Pony - 5'3 20 1/2" 2 7/16" 30L I thought they had one called the pier pony that was thicker. not sure
Pyzel - none that I could find

If you guys can recommend others, please comment.


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