5 June 2022 Dallas USA Degeneracy Dave Oneegs Aussie Chat Telegram

2 years ago

53 seconds
More degeneracy in Dallas 🙄🇺🇸
The reactions of the people being accused of grooming kids would indicate they know they’ve been busted.

This whole pride thing is totally out of control and is getting dangerous now.

It’s become so emotionally charged and divisive that people are gonna start attacking each other over it or even worse.

They just need to leave the kids out of it.

No one is gonna stop that community from growing now…

they have way too much momentum…
they have a whole month of “pride month” at the moment.

You can feel the tensions simmering tho over this debate and issue and they are only going to build further.

This world is looking more ridiculous by the hour now.

Literally by the hour 🙄😬👺🤷🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️

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