Stockton Fake Schoolyard "Shooting" - 2015 Anniversary SPECIAL

2 years ago

Stockton Fake Schoolyard "Shooting" - 2015 Anniversary SPECIAL. THE STAGED SCHOOL SHOOTING THAT STARTED ILLEGAL GUN BANS.
Bizarre parallels between the "Navy Yard Shooting" story, and the 1989 Stockton "schoolyard shooting", led a renewed investigation. You may recall that the 1989 Stockton event served as the springboard for some of the worst anti-Constitutional infringement legislation ever falsely adopted as law. Newly uncovered evidence now confirms that the Stockton "massacre" was also entirely FAKE.

The Stockton hoax is still of particular importance today, because it was once sucessful in providing cover for politicians to falsely enact laws contrary to the US Constitution. It was this duping of the public, that would become the repeated goal of many other staged, fake, scripted "shooting" events to follow.

Many had long believed, with some justification, that Patrick Purdy was an earlier example of a "mind controlled killer"; very similar in many ways to Aaron Alexis, or James Holmes in outward appearance. This script pattern continued into the Florida State/FSU/Myron May staged event as well.

Note that no real wounded or dead persons were ever seen at the Navy Yard "shooting" scene. Also, videos of people exiting the Navy Yard building, do NOT show any clearly wounded people. The same, in fact, can be said of the 1989 Stockton event.

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