MR. BILL Gets even with Kapper; Not quite SNL, but cheesy humor 2021!

4 years ago

CHEEZY HUMOR ALERT!!! LOL, so if you are a certain age, or have watched some old Saturday Night Live episodes you might recognize MR. BILL!! Well, it is raining out, and I am bored, and I wanted to work on a goofy idea that I had, so here goes nothing!! Join me for a rainy afternoon on our Southern Illinois farm as I was setting out some food for our wild pet friend "Opie" the opossum, when I came across an intruder! A thief of epic magnitude had been stealing Opie's treats that I have been leaving for her! How dare they! Well today I finally caught up to the perpetrator! I gave him a chance, but he did not want to budge... So, I did what anyone else would have done... Well, I guess you'll have to watch the video to get the rest of the story! This is also good practice for my green screen effects! LOL

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