Can Traction Alopecia Be Fixed? Joe Tillman Talks About It.

4 years ago
This is a good one. Traction alopecia affects a lot of men but you'd never know it because most cases are experienced by Sikh males. However, a LOT of women suffer from traction alopecia as well and it is due to constantly tight braids or, to a lesser extent, simply keeping their hair pulled back into a pony tail on a regular basis. What can be done about traction alopecia?

Traction alopecia is easily dealt with by incorporating surgical hair restoration if the patient has a suitable donor hair supply. The problem is that for males that suffer from traction alopecia, they still have to consider future loss as they may also suffer, or will suffer, from male patterned hair loss.

#tractionalopecia #sikh #joetillman

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