2 years ago


Amway has a long history of controversy and for years went unexplained till now. Amway is a deep state-run business organized by freemasons in a global organized crime network. The families running this masonic circus are known in politics as the clan using the RNC as a place for cover. These RINO’s use this business as a front to fund the worst evil imaginable praying on the lives of many good people stuck in a very bad opportunity which uses multiple tactics of fleeting greed and mind control. They have years of criminal offenses miles long which to this point have really gone unpunished with minor infractions because of the infiltration and corruption throughout the U.S Government and Department of Justice. They are partnered with the United Nations, The World Economic Forum, and The World Health Organization, while having used COVID and medical tyranny in there plans to over through a sitting President all in the pursuit of a one world government. These families are plotting the destruction of the United States of America while progressively partnering with multiple banks, China and the Clinton crime machine. If you know of someone in this business send them this video and tell them to send it to their upline and then watch them squirm. This video contains ill refutable public information that they do not want people to connect and know about. These globalists are partnered with many technocrats and foreign billionaires worldwide for greed and straight up tyranny. This particular group of families are descendants of the Dutch Netherlands, Nazi bloodline which explains much going on in todays worlds.

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