Special Shavuot/Pentecost teaching 2022 (with Book of Ruth reading)

2 years ago

This is my very special presentation on the Feast of Shavuot also known as Pentecost. In this study you will learn about the Old Testament origins of Pentecost and the New Testament application. I teach on the significance of the kinsman redeemer and how Pentecost might be a picture to point to the rapture of the church! I hope you enjoy this teaching!

If you would like to join us for our regular studies on Friday nights on zoom here is the info. If anyone is interested in joining the discussion with our group live on Friday night’s via zoom, this link below should work, as long as I don’t have any technical problems beyond my control. Our study begins at 7pm USA East coast time/6pm Central time every Friday night. Of course by participating live you may appear on next week’s video!

Click https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5723953008 to join a Zoom meeting

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