Encounter With God; Christian Testimony

4 years ago

My name is Victoria Nicodemus, host of Abide In Hope. When I was a young girl I experienced a supernatural encounter with God. This video is my testimony of that experience, or what is commonly referred to as a "Christian testimony."

Let me first begin by giving you a definition of TESTIMONY: a personal Christian testimony is often the story of how a person in a relationship with God, came to know the Lord in the first place. It's an explanation of what this supernatural encounter was like, and gives anyone who would like to know, an understanding of how they too can come into relationship with the Lord through Jesus Christ. A testimony can also be sharing a story of a miraculous intervention that the Lord has done in someone's life...a healing, a financial breakthrough... or it can be of the experience of hearing God speak through another person, a scripture verse, a sermon, a voice of spirit, a dream or even an audible voice. A testimony is simply a given account by a person, of a supernatural experience they had with God.

***This type of experience often leads a person to become a Christian, to come into relationship with God.

Christian means "Christ follower" or in simpler terms, it means to be in a relationship with the person who LOVES YOU THE MOST!

I won't go into anymore detail than that right now, but if you have any questions, PLEASE REACH OUT TO ME. I'd love to help.
CONTACT ME: https://linktr.ee/abideinhope

Well, maybe a little more detail...you see, we were never meant to walk through our lives alone. At the time when God created the world, He was in relationship with mankind, but through what is commonly referred to as "the fall" ...mankind experienced a separation from God. In short, He then sent His Son Jesus Christ as a sacrifice, to take the sins of the world on Himself, in order to reconcile us (mankind) with God, and end that separation.

I have to tell you that there is NOTHING more BEAUTIFUL than being in this relationship with God, (that was made possible by Jesus Christ.) Therefore, once you are redeemed, which is to say you have come into that relationship, you want to share it with the world, and that process (of giving your testimony) is called "sharing the good news" or "sharing the Gospel" or being a "Disciple." Now everyone does this in their own way...there's nothing that you HAVE to do, so don't worry...but once you experience this change...you'll find that the opportunities to share your experience, will present themselves.

***Over the years people have asked me about hearing God's voice, so I mention in this video some of the ways I hear Him. If you have interest in going into more depth on that subject, contact me!

It's through these experiences that we build FAITH, as it says in the Word of God (the Holy Bible) "faith comes by hearing."
~Romans 10:17 "So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God."

***Again, if you have any questions, please reach out to me through the comments here, or through any of my other links! I'm here for you!
Victoria Nicodemus of Abide In Hope LINKS!
CONTACT ME: https://linktr.ee/abideinhope

You are SO VERY LOVED by God, and by me!

Once you come into relationship with Jesus, you'll see that you're no longer alone, but rather you now walk through life with the Creator of the Universe, God Himself...that's right, from that point forward God is with you. There's nothing you can do to earn it, it doesn't cost any money...it's a free GIFT for all those who want to accept.

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