What To Do When He Is Pulling Away From You... Watch out!

4 years ago

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What To Do When He Is Pulling Away From You
By: Carlos Cavallo
Nothing sends a chill down your spine faster than knowing that your man is growing cold and distant. And when you feel that happening, you need to know what to do when he is pulling away from you.

Distance is the one thing that panics men and women. The problem with guys is that they don't notice it until it's way too late. As a woman with heightened instincts, you probably sense it the very second it starts to happen.

The fact is that when you lose a relationship it feels like you're losing a part of you. And that's why your emotions go into overdrive when you notice him starting to pull away.

The good news is that your relationship may not be ending. It just might be going through a phase. All relationships go through ups and downs. As it happens, these ups and downs are necessary if you want him to make a commitment to you.

But how do you know?

How do you know if he's actually going to come back?

That's the real source of your panic. And that's why you immediately jump into action.

There are a lot of reasons a man might be growing cold or distant.
So what I'm going to explain to you today are some of the other reasons that he may want to pull away, and how to get him to stop, turn around, and love you again.

Look, I'm not trying to blame you for his reluctance. It may seem like I'm saying this is all your fault.

It’s probably not.

But… you should be aware that men are MUCH more slow to commit to a relationship than women are. And easier to scare!

And even if you know this, chances are you will still make this mistake a few times in your life.

Not every man is commitment-phobic. Not every man is emotionally immature.

BUT if you compare a man to a woman, he will always seem like he is an emotionally immature commitment-phobic.

Women commit fast, men commit slow.
I aim to show you the places where you may have gone a little faster than he was ready. And hopefully you will be able to see how to change this in the future.

And you'll be able to detect the signs that he's starting to pull away before it happens. That's how you stop him from disappearing.

Why He’s Pulling Away From You - REASON 1: You lost it
Look, I get it. Every woman has a moment where she's tired of trying to be patient and she loses it. She has “the talk” with him and she doesn't realize she's just scared the living bejesus out of him.

Almost every woman has done this at some point or another, and regretted it. But that doesn't stop her from doing it again in the future.

Why does this happen?

Well, usually it happens because in a moment of weakness - or possibly a little too much red wine - you just get fed up. You're tired of waiting, and it doesn't seem like this guy is moving one inch towards a long-term relationship.

It's the same impatience that a guy feels when he's waiting to sleep with you. Almost every guy has been forced to wait a little too long and probably made it seem like all he wanted from you was sex. In fact, he was just pushed by his own physiological needs.

I'll tell you more about what to do about this in a minute.

REASON 2: He thought you might be a little clingy or needy
Please note: This doesn't mean that you ARE clingy or needy, he just thinks that's the case. It's up to you to look at your past behavior and decide if you are typically an insecure person.

Everyone is capable of slipping into needy behaviors. (Yes, even men.)

Be honest with yourself about what might have triggered your panic. You should also share this observation with him, because this will soothe him and pull him back.

REASON 3: You went too far too fast
Sometimes you just get comfortable and you start moving forward figuring that he's on the same schedule that you are. He might have even given off signals that he's pretty comfortable and this is a relationship he's invested in.

Almost every woman has ...

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Carlos Cavallo
Dating Advice Guru
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What To Do When He Is Pulling Away From You

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