06-03-2022 BraviumHD

2 years ago

It’s that strange tickle that shows up just before you summon the courage to take the field, to go on stage, or to ride the rollercoaster with the 200-foot drop. When did you last have that sensation? When did you last have that sensation at work?

If you’re like most people, it’s been a while. Or never. Few of us have these feelings at work because we tend to avoid decisions or actions that require bravery. We naturally prefer the comfort of the status quo and the safety of the crowd. We play small just like everybody else. As a result, we seldom take opportunities to transform ourselves, our teammates or our organization.

At Bravium, we approach “butterflies” a little differently. We celebrate this magical feeling and believe it’s a sign that we’re about to do something remarkable. We embrace these moments of bravery as the truest way of achieving our highest potential.

With this spirit in mind, we design experiences and training programs that help individuals and teams bravely transform into more strategic, innovative and effective leaders.

The Omaha Empowerment Breakfast is a down-to-earth, convenient way for small business owners and operators to network with each other and connect with larger businesses and agencies in the community.

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