The Unnerving Side Effects Of The Johnny Depp Defamation Lawsuit

2 years ago

The Johnny Depp / Amber Heard defamation lawsuit highlighted a rift in American society. Johnny Depp won the case, but right-wingers were the biggest cheerleaders. Some even tweeting and declaring the end of the "me too" movement.

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I usually don't watch Trump stuff. But I'm beginning to wonder because you know that there seems to be a cultural effect. You did this whole Depp versus heard hurting because of the chilling effect it seems to be having on women abuse. Because it seems like folks have been watching the trial and it's been causing trauma. and people have just kind of decided hey I ain't going about going through with reporting their abuse cases. Regardless of the particular of what was happening in that particular case between heard and there but the right wing's ability to latch on to this. It and as many people have said it before does remind me of gamergate. but just bigger. Even though my personal feelings about it, I kind of think he was the abuser in this scenario. But yes again exception to the rule. You can have I think you know questions about personal questions about you know her it seems like she lives in multiple instances frankly. But I'm very uncomfortable with how it's been capitalized on by the right.

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