Mike Pence Homeless GoFundMe vice president alone and addicted

4 years ago

#mikepence #homeless #trump ex vice president mike pence reported homless and couch surfing according to multiple "news" outlets. is it clickbait? no way couldn't be, I doubt a respectable new outlet would mislead readers to gain website traffic by telling lies and manipulating the truth because "if it bleeds it leads". here are the links I found of the story. I also have my homless friend who I sometimes help out in the car with me but he doesn't want to talk today. usually he will talk and he wants to do videos and be interviewed. his story and videos and interviews are on the way, so subscibe because we are going to do a full breakdown of his life and his day to day, how he got homeless. I also see a cute dog who's owner is a nice old lady, bit she lives in her van and takes methadone everyday to "stay sober". what a shame. I can't handle the truth but for so long and my house is my safe place. if you are homeless my best advice is to stay away from other homless people they are only going to bring you down, all the way down. I'm talking Anthony bordain parts unknown down. I'm talking robin williams down. you catch what I'm saying? here's the links to the story.
link 1 below
https://news.yahoo.com/amphtml/mike-pence-wife-karen-reportedly-135455120.html link 2 below
https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/pence-homeless-couch-surfing-indiana-b1793261.html link three below
https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/13868277/mike-pence-homeless-couch-surfing-indiana-politician link four below
https://www.businessinsider.com/mike-pence-home-residence-after-vice-president-indiana-2021-1 link five below
https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/mike-pence-is-homeless-after-leaving-office-and-couch-surfing-with-indiana-politicians-report-says/ar-BB1d8Eif?ocid=BingNews more info below
if you would like to help me please donate via cash app at $DerekNC
message me of you would like to mail a check or money order also check out my music at www.DerekJams.bandcamp.com
I would appreciate it alot. comment below, thumbs up, subscibe and hit the bell notification so you know when I upload a video. help me win this fight against tyranny.
I'm planning on going to Washington DC in mid March for an exclusive On the ground news reports, real news real reports.
thanks and stay positive folks.
stay in school. don't do drugs. read books. exercise. don't eat shit food. if you have nothing to eat just drink water and eat peanuts and sunflower seeds. trust me NOTHING is better then crappy food. because when you finally break your fast as you eat sunflower seeds, peanuts , water and v8 your body will thank you.
I'm going to be 35 years old this year.
this ain't a game anymore.
stay positive.
-drock also DCrockAfella aka White Oprah aka Tronald Drump aka Tyler Durden aka Big D Money Balls aka Doctor Rockafella aka DerekJams .. stay positive. welcome to your new self your old self is gone, welcome to your new self a new day has come. be free. be free. flyaway mother lover fly away. love yourself.

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