The Pöwer Of Wë

2 years ago

The title and the substance contained throughout this course was channeled in 4 hours before this class started.
We were preparing to introduce a NEW Meditation, “A Restored Relationship with Your Little You,” however, the Little Ones stepped aside so the Galactic Federation could lay out some much needed CLEARity on what needs to be done and inner stood right now for your Souls’s ongoing success here in Earth School.

Spirit was clear a foundation needed to be laid for our Loved1Z to see the importance of all of us FIRST identifying where we are in The Game Of SIN, in the map of LIFE… many to soon realize they are no where near where they thought they were. 😳

Why is this so important to know right now?
Because you can’t change your position in the Game or the results you are receiving until you can “see” on A Map… “YOU ARE HERE.”
Only then can you get “REAL” on what is BEing asked of you right now and the significance “WE” all play in this.

Dïevergent5 has been clear from the beginning that "its not about the PAPERWORK”….
and with Dïevergent5 recent “paperwork acceptance”….you are about to REAL-eyes why.
As ALL Equitable “paperwork” is now BEing “dïeverted” at this time….😎


❤️‍🩹 This video will disturb and distract those not in alignment with the energy of Equity and the frequency of Spirit’s messages contained herein.

❤️‍🩹For the purposes of awakening you from your spells & inner wars,
Loved1Z with 3D attachments and cords to any people, places, and events are now being soured, denied, and sabotaged and at this time.

❤️‍🩹Periods of anger and fear can also be expected for any Brothers & Sisters who have trust issues specifically relating to Father, yourself, and/or what is meant for your best and highest good, and all those involved. 🙏🏻

Hang on, turbulence expected…😎
Welcome to ahh-rising.

❤️ Dïevergent5

Link to slides from the class.



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YouTube -Dïevergent5 (Main Channel)


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