Unreal 426 Control Rig Test 2 CAN YOU SEE THE CHANGES?

4 years ago

NOTE EPic gives us these things to use commercially as we see fit im toying with this so i can do it faster and better , go see how people on the dev area are asking for what is actually illegal , like exporting to say UNITY or other things ...THIS was made by me in the unreal engine 426 on a windows 7 pc and compare the two videos and you will see some changes
the fact is i could add all kinds a animations and have custom stuff mixed in ....THIS IS WHY WE TOY WITH STUFF...andhsowing i can do it shows everyone else things others do not.

have a glorious day....and a special note to unity people , if you have to pay for things now cause you were not smart enough to get them when epic gave them to us...awww ...ugh shakes head....now back to a few games

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