Clark County not in two regions approved for Phase 2

4 years ago

This afternoon, Governor Inslee announced that two of the eight regions in the state can move into Phase 2 of the Healthy Washington - Roadmap to Recovery plan. Those include the Puget Sound region, including King, Pierce, and Snohomish Counties, as well as the west region including Pacific, Thurston and Lewis Counties. That represents around half of the state population. Under phase 2, restaurants can open at 25 percent capacity. Inslee said the decision was made possible because regions now only need to meet three of the four metrics, which include growth rates in hospitalizations, new cases, and test positivity, as well as overall hospital capacity. Clark County is currently meeting one of those four metrics. The state is also adjusting to use a two-week window for trends, rather than a weekly basis. See all of our Coronavirus news here:

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