The Biological Resource Center in Phoenix, Arizona : Corpse Mutilation and Organ Harvesting

3 years ago

A targeted individual's gang stalking campaign does not end when the targeted individual is deceased. After the targeted individual is deceased his body is mutilated and defiled, and his organs are taken out of his body; his brain, heart, liver, lungs, spleen, kidneys, and sold on the black market. Organ harvesting is a billion dollar industry, and gang-stalking feeds this industry the corpses of the persons that it killed. [Follow the Money, follow the pork barrel, misappropriation, and earmarks. Follow the legalization by stealth, follow the corrupt inserts that go into Congressional bills and you'll find the origins of the gang stalking system.

[An excerpt from The Huffington Post about the biological resources center, a company that took corpses from family members, via a contractual agreement, and mutilated the corpses, did experiments with the corpses, and sold them the third parties for profit. The conflict is that the biological resources center was not upfront with the donators of the initial gift of the deceased person as to what they were going to do with the bodies.]

Excerpt begins here:

At the Biological Resource Center, Burg said, many families were told that their loved ones’ bodies would go toward medical research to potentially help treat or even cure the ailments they’d suffered from. Cremation costs would also be covered.

Instead, body parts were diced up and sold, in some cases around the world, for profit. Some people also received boxes containing cement dust instead of their relatives’ ashes, he said.

“They said we’ve found your father’s head in Florida or, say, we think their body went to the human market in South East Asia,” the lawyer said. The FBI agent, identified as Mark Cwymar, described seeing buckets of human heads, arms, legs and male genitalia in a cooler. On one wall hung the body of a large man whose head had been replaced with the head of a small woman, sewn on in a “Frankenstein manner.” That macabre display was described as a “morbid joke.”

The tools the facility’s workers used included chainsaws and band saws. They were stored away in freezers that resembled meat lockers.

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