June 4, 2022

2 years ago

Endometriosis can be a very debilitating condition that occurs when the endometrial cells of the uterus escapes and begins growing in other areas of the abdomen. It can affect your reproductive system, digestion and even your bladder.

Symptoms can include pain, excessive bleeding, moodiness, infertility, bloating, weight gain, fatigue and more!

While these symptoms may seem unbearable, always remember that everything is just a message from your body. In the case of endometriosis, it's often a way that your body says "no" for you.

Women who experience endometriosis are often women with a high amount of Earth Energy. Earth energy is all about connection, caretaking and giving. Earths can give to the point that they forget about their own needs and desires. When this happens their body gets to the point that it begins to say "no" for them.

Instead, learn to listen to your own needs and desires first. What lights you up? What is important to you? How you take care of yourself first every single day? Self care is not selfish, it allows you to give from a place of love first.

This amazing facial reflexology protocol will help release the stress and resistance that currently hangs out in your reproductive system and allow you to free your life force energy to heal.

I highly recommend making this a daily practice. You will see and feel the results... I promise!!!

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