The Bald Truth-January 29th, 2021

4 years ago
13:28 Jet calls from Chicago. This retired Marine tells about his previous hair transplant experiences that didn't work out so well. He shares that he's found Eugenix Hair Sciences because of Joe but wants to know if the SMP he's already had can help to maximize the appearance of having as much hair as possible with another hair transplant.

27:20 Bruce calls in from Houston to ask about his PSA levels and how they may affect his prostate examination.

44:18 Mordy from Brooklyn calls to update on his own hair loss situation but to also talk about how the industry is so confusing for new people doing their research.

1:07:20 Mike calls from Long Island. He asks Joe about Matthew McConaughey and his hair loss. He then goes on to say how he's noticing the low standards presented by the majority of clinics that advertise hair transplant surgery. He also wants to know if hair transplant cost will ever go down.

1:26:05 Clay from Grand Rapids, Michigan calls to update Joe and Spencer about his hair transplant with PAI clinic.

#hairtransplant #joetillman #livestream

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