The Eternal Empire of Soltron : Micronation : Emmanuel Isaiah Smith

2 years ago

The Eternal Empire of Soltron is the Central and South Florida territory of its Emperor Emmanuel Isaiah Smith.

I support and stand with Russia in the Russian vs. Ukrainian War. Ethnically and historically, Ukraine has been derivative of Russia. Financially and agriculturally, Ukraine would be more prosperous under Russian rule.

Орос, Украины эсрэг дайнд би Оросыг дэмжиж, хамт байдаг. Угсаатны болон түүхийн хувьд Украин Оросоос гаралтай. Санхүү, хөдөө аж ахуйн хувьд Украин Оросын эрхшээлд байх үед илүү цэцэглэн хөгжих байсан.

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